Influencing Key Decision Makers
Influencing key decision makers, like members of Congress, often times means first cultivating public support for an issue. Depending on the complexity of an issue, educating the public and persuading them to take action can be a costly venture. That’s where the Construction Advocacy comes into play!
The Fund provides Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America with the resources needed to hold successful public relations events, produce media buys (digital, radio, and television ads), and deploy issue advocacy and Get-Out-the-Vote campaigns in key districts to advance our policy and political goals. It’s what helps move the public opinion needle.
In 2015, AGC unveiled its Hard Hats for Highways (H4H) campaign to activate the AGC member company employees into communicating the need to pass a long-term highway bill to their respective members of Congress. More than 10,000 letters were sent in 2015, and the campaign continues with the objective of obtaining a long-term, sustainable revenue source for the Highway Trust Fund.