Infrastructure-Related Billboard

The Associated General Contractors of America installed a billboard in the Pittsburgh area to call out U.S. Representative Conor Lamb for voting to keep his constituents stuck in highway traffic. The billboard, which is located along one of the most congested commuter corridors in the congressman’s district, includes a link for commuters to learn more about the representative’s vote and to encourage him to change his mind.

The association placed the billboard in response to Rep. Lamb’s vote on July 1, 2021 in support of the INVEST in America Act. That measure includes a provision that limits the ability of states like Pennsylvania to add new highway capacity unless they:

  1. Demonstrate to Washington bureaucrats that every mile of existing highway is in a state of good repair; and
  2. Rigorously demonstrate to those same bureaucrats that a roadway project supports federal performance targets and is more cost effective than building a public transit project among other things.

Given the age of Pennsylvania’s highway network and current federal highway funding levels, that provision would likely block the commonwealth from adding any new highway lanes for the foreseeable future.

Below is the billboard that highlighted Rep. Lamb’s vote.

Project Details


September 2021


AGC members & the construction industry



Project Gallery