Texas Builds Campaign
With financing from the Construction Advocacy Fund, AGC worked with all of its chapters in Texas to develop a pro-construction campaign for the industry. As part of that effort, the association prepared a series of videos highlighting the many benefits of working in construction in the state. These videos were based on interviews with dozens of construction workers across the state. Those interviews were then used as the basis for four different videos: an introductory video, one focused on advancement opportunities in the industry, one focusing on the sector’s commitment to safety and a longer, more comprehensive video looking at the entire industry.
To help house and promote the content, AGC developed a website for the campaign (agc.org/TexasBuilds) that, in addition to hosting the videos, includes additional details, including safety statistics, about the campaign. To compliment the web component of the campaign, AGC crafted a targeted digital advertising campaign to help promote the new site and related videos.
In addition to serving as a pro-industry campaign, the effort is also designed to help counter the growing impact of the Workers Defense Project, which has been spreading misleading information about the industry’s safety performance in Texas in order to get local and state government officials to put in place pro-union measures for construction.
Update: The Texas Builds ads were seen nearly two million times with over 19,000 visits to the website in its first four weeks of operation.
Project Details
January 2017
Texas chapters and member companies
Web and digital advocacy campaign
Project Gallery