Keeping Construction Firms Working
The Associated General Contractors of America, in partnership with the AGC of California, the two AGC chapters in Colorado, the two AGC chapters in Kansas City, and the Louisiana AGC, launched a targeted digital advertising campaign in the respective states designed to reassure the public that the industry was doing its part to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
The digital advertising, financed by the Construction Advocacy Fund, targeted local government officials, their key influencers, and members of the construction community. In most cases, the ads sent recipients to a special AGC-website,, that included information and images about the industry’s commitment to coronavirus safety. The ads included a mix of digital display ads and digital videos (based on this version) that highlight steps firms are taking to address the pandemic. To date, the ads have been viewed by over 5.6 million people and clicked on over 7,750 times for a click through rate of 0.14 percent, substantially above the industry average of 0.10 percent.
Project Details
March 2020
AGC Members in CA, CO, LA & MO
Digital advertising
Project Gallery